Extra Sockets Manchester - Additional Light Switches Manchester

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0161 433 8224
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Get Extra Sockets And Light Switches In Manchester!

freeestimates.pngIn the modern day, there are more and more electrical items in your Manchester home, which may mean you don't have enough power sockets to cope. Our electricians can install extra sockets so that you don't end up overloading extension leads, which can be risky. Installing extra sockets is so simple!

We are also able to install additional light switches throughout your home. We can install light switches next to the bed, additional light switches in halls and landings or anywhere else that you need them, all at affordable rates and by highly skilled electricians.

Reliable ELECSA approved electrical contractors

Whether you need extra sockets, more light switches or any other electrical service, you can be sure you're in safe hands as our electrical contractors are ELECSA approved and follow British Safety Standards to keep you safe.

We are highly regarded across Manchester because:

  • We offer quality services
  • Our prices are affordable
  • We are local to Manchester
  • We have years of experience

If you would like a free estimate for extra sockets or light switches in your home, call our electricians today on Manchester 0161 433 8224 and we'll provide you with one.

We can also visit your home and provide you with a free consultation and to discuss your requirements and our proposed solutions, so get in touch with us.

Electricians Manchester